
I believe that everybody's purpose in life should be God. Then everything else along with our lives will fall in place. Our careers, our goals, marriage, and anything else that you can think of. Keep in mind that God is above all.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Barack OBama Superhero

Video Scenes Poster print
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There are many people that see Barack Obama as a hero. Now, I hear so many negative things about him. Some people despise the president, and some believe in him so much. When he became president, there were many people that looked up to him. There are people now that think that he can save the world. When he first became president, I saw his face all over the place. He was on T-Shirts at the flea mall, in newspapers and magazines all over the shelves, and now in cartoons and comics. It seemed that people worshiped him. These posters show that he is a superhero. 

Video Scenes Poster 2 print
Video Scenes Poster 2 by JibJab
Browse more artwork on zazzle

Saturday, April 3, 2010

My Thoughts of Malcolm X

 Like all men, Malcolm X had fault. I cannot say that he was a bad man because I did not know his heart. He was also born before my time. So I did not know Malcolm at all. My mother did not really know who he was or where he came from. When I was in school, teachers never taught students about Malcolm in Black History. They did teach us about Martin Luther King. Also, I will not say that Malcolm was a hypocrite. I believe that Malcolm lived in a rough time, and he preached what he believed. I believe that he thought highly of Elijah Muhammad until he believed that Elijah Muhammad was having affairs with young secretaries. Malcolm must have felt that it was wrong because Elijah was a leader, and what he thought Elijah had done was against the teachings of the nation. I believe that God, who is Alpha and Omega and the creator of the whole world, was showing Malcolm that Elijah Muhammad was just a man.

According to history, there were times that Malcolm said things that he should not have said. He said things about John F. Kennedy that he should not have said, and felt things he should not have felt. Malcolm believed that the white man was the devil. I believe that God was showing him the jealousy of his own race within the Nation of Islam. God was showing him that there is a devil in all races. It appeared that Malcolm X was rising above Elijah Muhammad. It is said that Muhammad was upset. If that was the case, that proves that Elijah Muhammad was nothing more than a man. It also proves that Elijah Muhammad was breaking the commandments of God himself. One of the commandments I am speaking of is the tenth commandment, “Thou Shalt Not Covet….” Covet can lead you to kill and steal. So really we are all the same whether we are white or black. I do believe Malcolm was beginning to learn the real truth before his death.

The last thing that I will mention is power of Malcolm. He came at a time in history where black folks needed some of the things that Malcolm was teaching. We understand that the black race was hurting and in pain from the struggle of prejudice. I believe that God works through all things. I believe that if Malcolm had known the real truth all along, he might not have joined the Nation of Islam. He would have stuck with the word from God himself, and he would have left man’s religion alone. Malcolm did not appear to me as a follower. To me, he was more of a leader himself. Malcolm X had power to guide and lead people of all races in the right direction. I believe he was growing and learning more and more. What Malcolm could have done to help make this a better world was not meant to be. What Malcolm did do was just enough. If it was not enough, I do not believe God would have allowed him to die. If God had not allowed Malcolm to die, I do not know and cannot say what the outcome would have been. God may have seen something dreadful and terrible if Malcolm had lived. Maybe Malcolm had to die in order to be saved.