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I believe that everybody's purpose in life should be God. Then everything else along with our lives will fall in place. Our careers, our goals, marriage, and anything else that you can think of. Keep in mind that God is above all.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Lizard Man (Spider-Man 2012)
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Shaq Girlfriend Carries Him on Her Back
A 5-2 woman is able to pick up 7-2, 350-pound Shaquille O'Neal and walk him across a floor in high heels. She is Shaquille O'neals girlfriend and her name is Nicole "Hoopz" Alexander. If I were Nicole, I would not make it a habbit in carrying Shaq. He's a big guy and she could get back problems. Shaq should be carrying her on his back LOL.
Friday, October 14, 2011
What Is Our Purpose in Life?
What Is Our Purpose in Life?
Author: gailMany of us wonder what we are on this earth for. Some of us wonder what our purpose in life is. When I was in high school, me and some of my friends wanted to be singers. People screamed over us as if we were actually famous at a talent show called air band. We made up our own songs, and then the name was changed to talent show the next year. We were picked on a lot in high school, but we got attention in the end. Though we did not win the talent contest, we knew we were the real winners. I feel that the cheers that we got from the talent show was letting us know that we could be great someday. However, none of us are singers and none of us are famous.
Sometimes I look at all of the famous people I use to like. Some of them are dead. I read about all of the trials and tribulations that they had being famous. The life of some famous people make me wonder if we are all really living our purpose. Many of us have talent, but are we using it the right way? It seems that if you rise high, you soon come down. Fame becomes too much. Things can go to a person's head, and people change. Then there are those like John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther king. They had an impact on a world of people. Something evil wanted them destroyed.
My conclusion is, there is only one purpose. We have to turn to the one that gave us our talents and that one is the one who created us. When we turn to man, man will cheat, lie, and steal. Man will envy and sometimes take lives because he is greedy for a dollar bill. Man will make you a slave and use you. Our purpose is to become what the creator made us to do and be. That creator is God almighty. Some people will not acknowledge him. That may be the reason why some of us do fall.
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Saturday, August 20, 2011
Trying to Collaborate with Celebrities
Some celebrities say they love their fans. There are some that really do try to reach out, and some of them have special fans that try to reach out to them. They have to be careful of some of their fans, and we have to be careful of some celebrities too.
You have seen your favorite celebrity or entertainer on Facebook or Twitter. Maybe you have thought of something that could help them, and you sensed they had a fear about you. They are now on Facebook and Twitter just like you. Yea, they want you to support them. You are able to mingle with them now. Times have changed. In the old days, they just couldn’t write you back, and you don’t need to write with a stamp anymore. Now it’s so easy to communicate with the rich and famous online. Some celebrities spend time with their fans. You can share your ideas, gifts and talents with them, but it might be a bad idea.
Have you ever felt that your favorite celebrity just ignored you for some reason? They write back as long as you say, “Hi! I love your songs. You are so this and you are so that.” When you are making a big deal out of them, everything is fine. As soon as you start trying to collaborate with your big ideas and thoughts to help them, they do not answer you. When they see that you can do just what they are doing, they shy away. Maybe they think you want something. If I wanted something from them, I certainly would ask. When they want something, don’t they ask you? Maybe you are too much. Maybe they see that you do not really need them, and you can get ahead of them. Maybe you know too much, and it’s all about envy like it is with everyday people. Celebrities always envy one another. So it is possible that they could envy someone with an average life like you and I. It’s crazy, and it’s time for change. People could really help each other if they would stop their crap. If people as a whole would collaborate and share, we all could get somewhere. We were not made to do things alone. Everybody needs a helping hand sometimes and everybody needs a little advice. It’s good to have people in your life that know just a little more than you do. There are fans that support their favorite celebrities and celebrities could back them up if they wanted to. Some celebrities never say thanks or comment on anything that you do to help them. Just a few simple kind words like, “I love what you are doing for me. Keep that up” would make a fan feel good.
You have seen your favorite celebrity or entertainer on Facebook or Twitter. Maybe you have thought of something that could help them, and you sensed they had a fear about you. They are now on Facebook and Twitter just like you. Yea, they want you to support them. You are able to mingle with them now. Times have changed. In the old days, they just couldn’t write you back, and you don’t need to write with a stamp anymore. Now it’s so easy to communicate with the rich and famous online. Some celebrities spend time with their fans. You can share your ideas, gifts and talents with them, but it might be a bad idea.
Have you ever felt that your favorite celebrity just ignored you for some reason? They write back as long as you say, “Hi! I love your songs. You are so this and you are so that.” When you are making a big deal out of them, everything is fine. As soon as you start trying to collaborate with your big ideas and thoughts to help them, they do not answer you. When they see that you can do just what they are doing, they shy away. Maybe they think you want something. If I wanted something from them, I certainly would ask. When they want something, don’t they ask you? Maybe you are too much. Maybe they see that you do not really need them, and you can get ahead of them. Maybe you know too much, and it’s all about envy like it is with everyday people. Celebrities always envy one another. So it is possible that they could envy someone with an average life like you and I. It’s crazy, and it’s time for change. People could really help each other if they would stop their crap. If people as a whole would collaborate and share, we all could get somewhere. We were not made to do things alone. Everybody needs a helping hand sometimes and everybody needs a little advice. It’s good to have people in your life that know just a little more than you do. There are fans that support their favorite celebrities and celebrities could back them up if they wanted to. Some celebrities never say thanks or comment on anything that you do to help them. Just a few simple kind words like, “I love what you are doing for me. Keep that up” would make a fan feel good.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
The Dark Knight Rises Trailers 2012

The Dark Knight Poster
This is the Dark Knight Rises official trailer of 2012. It seems like there are going to be so many characters in one epic conclusion.
This trailer is of Catwoman and Bane. And there is more....
The Dark Knight Rises looks very interesting. I cannot wait to see the movie. It looks like it is going to be another great movie of Batman. It is said that it is the epic conclusion, but much more could be made. We will just have to wait and see and appreciate what is coming.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
I Hate When an Online Job Ask a Person for a Resume
When you are online, it is strictly to the point. If a person ask you for a resume and can see your work online, why do they ask for a resume? You have a portfolio to show. Most of the time, my job experience has nothing to do with what I sign up for online. If I want to do art or designing, factory experience has nothing to do with it. Yet, you have to go through a lot of trouble to write a resume. That makes me have to write and add extra. I have to write some extra experience pertaining to art. When I email the resume to the job, half of the time, I get no answer. So, I have done all that hard work for nothing.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
What's Happening to Hollywood Stars?
What’s happening to Hollywood stars? Some of them act like they are going nuts. They use to seem like great role models to follow because you did not see all of the negative things that were hidden. Now everything is starting to show more and more. They seem to have more problems than everyday people. Some of them seem so insecure, depressed, and troubled.
There was a basket ball star named Grant Hill that mentioned something about being a human being on television in the past one day. He was the first famous person that I saw to ever point out that he made mistakes. Grant was trying to be real and tried to show the real him. I never forgot Grant because I appreciated him and his honesty.
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There was a basket ball star named Grant Hill that mentioned something about being a human being on television in the past one day. He was the first famous person that I saw to ever point out that he made mistakes. Grant was trying to be real and tried to show the real him. I never forgot Grant because I appreciated him and his honesty.
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Friday, February 11, 2011
Winter Troubles in New Bern
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Old Storage Hanging On in the Snow Photo: Gail Nobles |
Somewhere in New Bern there are winter troubles. While you are working hard on your job, you know that it might snow the next day. You are worried because the rain is pouring, and you have a leak in the roof of your house. You catch the raindrops with buckets. It’s hard to find someone to do anything for you these days. It’s even harder in the winter.
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Sunday, February 6, 2011
The Silverlightsaber Channel
People are looking for information on upcoming movies. I found a channel on Youtube called the Silverlightsaber channel. Silverlightsaber talks about all of the upcoming superhero movies. He gives a great insight on what the movies might be about. There are three movies that Silver gives a good insight on. He gives his insight on Spiderman 2012_Costume Review, The Dark Knight Rises_Bane and Catwoman 2012, and Henry Cavil as Superman in "The Man of Steel" 2012. Silver gives you review before the movies are shown. This is great for people that are wondering about new movies in the making. If you want to know about movies in the making, The Silverlightsaber channel is a good place to visit.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Andrew Garfield_The New Spiderman
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Now we are going to see someone else play Spiderman. He is a new guy named Andrew Garfield. I don't know how well he's going to do. If the next Spidey movie is going to be good, we may get use to seeing his face as the movie roles along. Then that's when he might quit on us too. I hope that he doesn't if there are going to be continuous movies of Spiderman which most people love to see.
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Sunday, January 16, 2011
Enter the Dragon
As I watched the movie Enter the Dragon starring Bruce Lee, I learned something. In the movie, you could hear Bruce Lee thinking: The enemy has only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives. Destroy the image and you will break the enemy. Well, that's what Bruce Lee did in the movie.
Bruce Lee went behind a mirror into a wall of mirrors. He was trying to find his enemy and his enemy was right there. Trying to find his enemy was like a maze. The mirrors were tricky. Bruce Lee got angry and broke the mirrors and finally defeated his enemy.
We can do the same thing in real life. We can defeat the enemy in children's nightmares at night teaching them to pray and how to fight in their dreams. We can defeat the enemy by not being afraid of jealous demons and keep on keeping on in life no matter what they say or do. If we stand up and be strong, we can destroy the enemy's image and power. If we do not serve and worship what is evil, the enemy does not have power.
Bruce Lee went behind a mirror into a wall of mirrors. He was trying to find his enemy and his enemy was right there. Trying to find his enemy was like a maze. The mirrors were tricky. Bruce Lee got angry and broke the mirrors and finally defeated his enemy.
We can do the same thing in real life. We can defeat the enemy in children's nightmares at night teaching them to pray and how to fight in their dreams. We can defeat the enemy by not being afraid of jealous demons and keep on keeping on in life no matter what they say or do. If we stand up and be strong, we can destroy the enemy's image and power. If we do not serve and worship what is evil, the enemy does not have power.
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