I believe that everybody's purpose in life should be God. Then everything else along with our lives will fall in place. Our careers, our goals, marriage, and anything else that you can think of. Keep in mind that God is above all.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Honesty-Pass It On
Honesty_Pass It On
I really love this commercial by It is about being honest. I remember those school days when it was hard not to cheat. Teacher's failed you in a heart beat. Sometimes they did not test you on what you studied. You felt like a fool when you didn't cheat and everybody else in the class cheated to pass their grade. Sometimes teachers told you to cheat, but they also told you that you better not get caught.
It is always good to be honest, although life seems so difficult for you to get anywhere without lying.
Disney's Princess and the Frog
There was a lessoned learned in Disney’s Princess and the Frog. The lesson that I saw in the movie for people to see was never mess with voodoo doctors. Prince Naveen and his valet Lawrence meets a voodoo doctor named Dr. Facilier. Facilier could make things look and sound good. He could make dreams come true and change it around too. However, there was a price to pay. Naveen became a frog and Lawrence became Naveen. Naveen was the man that Lawrence wanted to be.
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Wednesday, December 8, 2010
What Happened to the Music Group, The Jets?
![]() | The Jets are a family band from Minneapolis, Minnesota. They were a group that was very popular in the 80’s singing hits like Curiosity, Crush on You, and You Got It All. The group was loved by many. I know for a fact because when I was in high school, everybody was singing their songs. My friends would come over and we would watch their videos all day long with my mom. Have you ever wondered what happened to the music group, The Jets? Today, I wonder about them. I wonder where they are now. Find Out Here: |
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Superman/Shazam The Return of Black Adam
Superman/Shazam |
Billy Batson knew Clark Kent known as Superman. Billy was always running from Black Adam, but Superman was always fighting him. Black Adam seemed stronger than Superman. When Billy was given power to fight, he did not know how to use his powers until he said, Shazam! Then he saw how mighty and strong he was and was able to defeat Black Adam along with Superman.
There are many young people out there in reality just like Billy Batson. They are made to be leaders and do not know it. For some reason or another, they are a threat to some people. Their enemies see that they are special. Their enemies do everything to get rid of them or to bring them down. If you are a Billy Batson, keep on leading by doing what is right. Never be a follower. There is a hero inside of you.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Retire Young
If I could find a way, I would retire while I am young. To retire young, you need plenty of income coming in to you. There are many people that die before they get to see their retirement. If you live to retire, you might not see Social Security in the future. It might be better to just put more money into your savings and join the 401k plan. I think that it is wise to start planning for the future now. In the future, there might not be a job for you. You want to be able to enjoy life without worrying. While you are young, healthy, and able to get around, you could travel and spend lots of time with your family. You will be the one in control of what time to get up in the mornings and have all of the days off from work that you want to. You could spend more time doing the things that you love to do.
Retiring young can be possible, but it may not be easy. I would love to join the stock market so I could invest, but it has it’s ups and downs. You could try to make a business out of your hobbies. I think a person should try everything that they can to increase their income. The more money that you receive, the better your chances are at retiring young. If you have a good paying job, if you save and invest wisely, I think that’s the whole ball of wax right there. You probably could retire at the age of thirty. Why wait to get old to retire? When you get old, you might not be able to get out and go places as much as you do while you are young. Think about your future, save, and plan.
Retiring young can be possible, but it may not be easy. I would love to join the stock market so I could invest, but it has it’s ups and downs. You could try to make a business out of your hobbies. I think a person should try everything that they can to increase their income. The more money that you receive, the better your chances are at retiring young. If you have a good paying job, if you save and invest wisely, I think that’s the whole ball of wax right there. You probably could retire at the age of thirty. Why wait to get old to retire? When you get old, you might not be able to get out and go places as much as you do while you are young. Think about your future, save, and plan.
Spiderman 3 Hurt, Pain, Evil, Repentance, And Forgiveness
Snips From the Movie Spiderman 3
If you have seen Spiderman 3, you know that there was hurt, pain, evil, repentances, and forgiveness in the movie It all started with the Sandman. He is a criminal named Flint Marco. Flint wanted to do all he could to make his daughter well again. He really wasn’t a bad guy in heart, but he did bad things. Robbing made him by accident kill Peter Parker’s Uncle, Ben Parker. The police were chasing him and trying to catch him. Flint fell into some kind of trap with machinery and it turned him into the Sandman. I guess you can say that he was reaping what he sowed.
Peter also had another friend that was upset with him name Harry Osborn. He thought that Peter killed his father and with anger and hurt, Harry became the New Goblin. Harry took his father’s place. Like Peter, he was hurt and angry and tried to get revenge for his father. Harry did not know exactly how his father was killed.
At the time that all of these things were happening, Peter Parker turned into something dark and evil, but it did not totally possess him all of the way. Some kind of dark creepy thing attached itself to Peter’s costume and Peter Parker became a different Spiderman in a black costume. We know that it is usually red.
Near the end, Peter Parker knew that the costume was making him act like another Peter Parker. He began to reject the costume and got rid of it with the ringing of a great noise from a church bell. Peter Parker had an enemy named, Eddie Brock, who took Peter’s photography job at the Daily Bugle. Peter gained his job back and caused Eddie to loose everything because Eddie rigged up some false pictures of Spiderman. So while Peter was getting rid of the creepy substance attached onto his costume, Eddie Brock was standing by and the slimy black substance fell upon him. That is how Eddie Brock became Venom.
In the end, Harry Osborn learns the truth about his father’s death. He learns that his father died by his own hand and he united with Peter Parker to save Mary Jane from Venom. They also united to fight the Sandman. It’s sad to say that Harry Osborn which was the new goblin was killed by Eddie Brock (Venom).
Peter Parker (Spiderman) tried to save Eddie Brock from the evil that had taken over him. With loud noise, he got the evil creature unattached from Eddie and pulled him out from the evil. As Spiderman was about to destroy the black creature, Eddie did not want it destroyed. So when Spiderman blew up the creature, Eddie was destroyed with him because he could not let the evil go.
Peter Parker meets Sandman one more time. The Sandman told Peter Parker how his father was truly killed. He asked Peter’s forgiveness, and Peter realized that he had done a lot of wrong too. He forgave the Sandman.
Peter then went back to see how his friend Harry was doing who was in the arms of Mary Jane. Although it was sad that Harry died, the good thing that happened was he forgave Peter. Then Peter and Mary were left together again. There was a lot of religion in the movie, Spiderman 3.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Daredevil and Justice
From the Movie Daredevil |
The blind Attorney Matt Murdock was always out seeking justice, but his justice always looked like revenge. We cannot go by how things look all of the time, and sometimes we can. Matt Murdock was blind, but he could also see with his heart, and he had superhuman capabilities. He had a radar sense that allowed him to see.
From the Movie Daredevil |
As a child, he was not blind. Growing up, he was picked on and got beat up by other young boys. His father was a boxer that did not want him to fight. There were bad guys in business and prowling the streets. When Matt saw his father threatening another man, that caused him to run away, and he got into an accident. He lost his eyesight. His father was hurt and apologized to Matt. Matt had forgiveness in his heart.
When Matt lost his sight, he became stronger and could use his other senses. He became a great fighter and fought the boys that bullied him. Matt’s father wanted to be free from the bad guys, and they began to seek his life. Matt found his father dead in the streets. He appeared to want revenge. Who wouldn’t want to seek revenge?
From the Movie Daredevil |
From the Movie Daredevil |
Daredevil went on seeking Justice. He fought Bullseye and won. Then he fought the biggest and number one leader of the bad guys and enemy. It was the Kingpin. Daredevil also won against the Kingpin and brought him to his knees. He had a chance to kill Kingpin, but he showed him mercy.
From the Movie Daredevil |
So instead of revenge, Daredevil carried out Justice in the end. He is called a guardian devil. To me, the image meant nothing, and Matt Murdock had no evil heart. Like he said, he wasn’t the bad guy.
From the Movie Daredevil |
Monday, October 25, 2010
Superman VS. Muhammad Ali

How about an Ali VS Superman movie. That would be the bomb if a movie producer would make it. Of course, I think Will Smith should play Ali since he has done such a wonderful job playing the Ali Movie. The guy that played Superman (Brandon Routh) in Superman Returns should play Superman. I think if this movie was made, Muhammad Ali himself would enjoy it and many others.
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Thursday, October 21, 2010
Retro Video Games
Are you looking for gaming consoles and great prices? JJGames has used video games and accessories. JJGames has used Super Nintendo games, Sega, PlayStation, and more. You can get free shipping on all orders over $25. You might find some games at JJGames that you haven't been able to find anywhere else. .
Today, I see people with Wii Games in their homes. JJGames has used Wii Games for you to buy. They have the controllers, games and consoles. Maybe you are looking for the Xbox games. If you are someone that is looking for cheap video games, give JJGames a try.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Iron Man and Whiplash Competition
Have you ever met someone that knew just as much as you did? Could you get along with that person? Was that person an enemy or a friend? Most of the time, it is an enemy trying to compete. Could you see where you and that person could really do something big together if you got a long?
Tony Stark, known as Iron Man, had great technology. In Iron Man 2, everyone wanted in on Iron Man’s technology. People love power and profit. When you have something new that could make you a profit, you have power. Everybody wants it, and everybody is after it. Either that or they are just angry with you because you seem to have it all. Somebody wants to bring you down. Well that’s how it was with Iron Man. He had an enemy named Whiplash that wanted to bring him down. I think that Tony should have never let out his super hero secret. Since he let out his secret, his life became more complicated. It’s a shame that you can not share and have to keep things a secret. However, if you are opened with everything, enemies just make themselves right at home. They begin to pry and take over in your life. They either want to own you, take what you got, or simply destroy you.
Ivan Vanko (Whiplash) attacked the Iron Man and was doing a great job for a while. Ivan went to jail. Justin Hammer is another enemy of Iron Man. He saw a great talent and gift in Ivan Vanko and got him out of jail. Ivan began to work for Justin and Justin was dissatisfied with Ivan’s work. Justin had threatened Ivan and took away what Ivan loved, and that was his bird. Ivan could have destroyed Justin as powerful as he was. Still, he continued to work for Justin and gave him what he wanted. Ivan was smart enough to work for himself. When Ivan went against Iron Man once again, of course you know that the Iron Man won. If Ivan had chosen to work for himself and carry out his ideas his way, Iron Man might would have been into some greater competition. Ivan did not think much of Justin’s invention, but still used it to fight against Iron Man.
The Iron Man knew that Ivan was smart, but not as smart as he. If Ivan had became the Iron Man’s friend and had joined him, that would have been more power for Ivan and the Iron Man together. They could have done bigger and better things. Two heads are better than one. Instead, it was Iron Man and Whiplash competition which brought about fighting and destruction. Iron Man and Whiplash will never know about the great inventions that they could build together.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Tastebook, The Cookbook Site
Do you love to cook and collect recipes? You don’t have to rip recipes out of magazines at the doctor’s office anymore. Have you heard about TasteBook? TasteBook is a new and special website. At, you can create your own tastebook which is a cookbook. You may add a name, description, and photo for your tastebook cover. You may drag and drop recipes into your own collection. Recipes from your own website can be added. The neat part about TasteBook is you can flip through the pages of your tastebook with the mouse. You may also order your favorite recipes.
The next thing that you can do is organize your own recipes and share with your friends. Tori Ritchie will show you how at She is a cookbook author. You will get a chance to see how everything is done on her video.
When you visit the site, you will be able to look inside of the tastebook by clicking on the book cover. Don’t forget to turn the pages with your mouse. To me that’s the fun part, and it is so neat. You may sign up and be a member at to get started today. It’s so easy.
The next thing that you can do is organize your own recipes and share with your friends. Tori Ritchie will show you how at She is a cookbook author. You will get a chance to see how everything is done on her video.
When you visit the site, you will be able to look inside of the tastebook by clicking on the book cover. Don’t forget to turn the pages with your mouse. To me that’s the fun part, and it is so neat. You may sign up and be a member at to get started today. It’s so easy.
Have you ever tried to sell online? It’s not always easy. When you try to sell and advertise, you need to get known. You need to make your advertisement attractive and be persuasive. You need to offer something that no one else has to offer. Maybe you need something new and different to sell. Everybody is trying to sell something, and you might run into competition.
If you have an online store or work with a marketing place, it might be a good idea to order some of your coffee mugs and shirts and sell them at a flea market. You can try selling online and off line. Find people that would be interested in what you are selling. You need a group of people that you can reach and a group large enough to make you some money. You might find some people that might become regular customers, and it would be great to get some new customers. The right group of people can make you lots of money. That would be people that love to spend money and is always constantly buying. You need people that love what you are selling. This is what I have found out from my experience. If you try to sell something, it might also help to try to find what people are after and what it is that people are always buying.
If you have an online store or work with a marketing place, it might be a good idea to order some of your coffee mugs and shirts and sell them at a flea market. You can try selling online and off line. Find people that would be interested in what you are selling. You need a group of people that you can reach and a group large enough to make you some money. You might find some people that might become regular customers, and it would be great to get some new customers. The right group of people can make you lots of money. That would be people that love to spend money and is always constantly buying. You need people that love what you are selling. This is what I have found out from my experience. If you try to sell something, it might also help to try to find what people are after and what it is that people are always buying.
Remembering Amos ‘n’ Andy

By Gail Nobles
Amos ‘n’ Andy was a radio comedy. Freeman Gosden and Charles Correl were the two white actors that created and started the radio version. Then it was brought to television in the 1950’s. The television series was an all black cast.
My Favorite Clip
I remember seeing clips of Amos and Andy in the 1980’s on television. I had never seen Amos ‘n’ Andy before. The comedy was made before I was ever born. They showed several clips from the series.
In one clip that I saw, there was a funny character named King Fish. He decided to sell Andy a house with land. He drove Andy by the house and land so he could get a look at it. Well, Andy liked what he saw. King Fish quickly sold Andy the lot. King Fish was a dirty and sneaky rascal. Everything was happening all too fast.
Andy got his friend Lightnin’ to help him move into the house. They walked into the front door right into a yard. They both carried chairs into the front door to sit down. When they sat down, they started stretching. Andy said, “Good ole fresh air!” Then they both heard birds singing. Andy realized that they were outside. “Holy smoke, Lightin’! We done walked right through the house into the yard.”

Andy walked back through the door to step outside with Lightin. Lightin went back into what he thought was a house while Andy stayed outside. Lightin’ said to Andy, “Missed it again!”
Soon Andy and Lightin’ had both discovered that they were really outdoors. The house was nothing but a door and yard. Andy asked Lightin’, “What do you think, Lightin’?”
Lightin’ said, “This sho is the same house.”

Andy went back to King Fish to threaten him. Andy grabbed King Fish by the collar and said, “If you don’t give me my money back, I’m going to punch you in each eye! I’m going to open everything that’s closed and close everything that’s open!” Andy was going to sue King Fish.
As the comedy went on, King Fish rigged up a hole in the ground on the lot to make it look like there was oil there. That made Andy keep the lot. Then King Fish wanted to buy the lot back because the Suburban Development Company wanted to buy the lot from him. They offered him more money. Andy had doubled crossed King Fish that time because he sent the company.
That particular clip of Amos ‘n’ Andy was my favorite clip. I never laughed at a comedy so hard in my life. I laughed until my side was hurting. I believe that it is the funniest comedy of all times. Some African Americans didn’t like Amos ‘n’ Andy because they thought it made Negroes look like clowns and crooks. I am African American. But I am from a different generation. To me, the comedy is no worse than the crazy stuff that I see on television today. Sometimes what I see on television today is just plain stupid and not funny. Amos and Andy really made me laugh. They had real humor.
I Miss Microsoft's Ms. Dewey
I have seen a special and new search engine. It was not like a regular search engine at all. A character named Ms. Dewey appeared. She was a real person that had been video taped. When you entered into the site, Ms. Dewey appeared to be playing chess or writing something down. She stood behind a desk. Behind Ms. Dewey was a picture of a city. She appeared on the left while the search results appeared on the right. Then Ms. Dewey talked to you and told you to type something into the search bar. Ms. Dewey had a comment about your search before your search was shown. When you clicked on what you were looking for, she took you to another page. Ms. Dewey was still on the other page and waited for you to type more into the search bar. If you take too long, she would aggravate you until you did. Here is a warning. If you ask her a question, sometimes she would give you a smart answer or she would tell you that she didn't know what you were talking about. To me, she was more than a search engine. Don’t start a conversation with her or give her back talk. Ms. Dewey really got smart, and she could curse too. I told her to shut up. Ms. Dewey understood me very well then. Sometimes she would make me laugh, and I typed words into the search bar just for the fun of it. Ms. Dewey had funny expressions and actions. I really enjoy her as a search engine. The search engine was really unique and different than any other search engine. Ms. Dewey was made by Microsoft, but Ms. Dewey does not exist anymore. I miss Microsoft's Ms. Dewey.
Moms Mabley

Picture from Google images.
Article By Gail Nobles
Jackie “Moms Mabley was an African American comedian. Her birth name was Loretta Mary Aiken. She took her stage name Jackie Mabley from her boyfriend. Later she became known as “Moms”. She was born in Brevard, North Carolina. Mabley was a very successful entertainer and earned $10,000 a week at Harlem’s Apollo Theater. Mabley could sing and told very funny jokes. She wore a house dress and a funny hat. Mabley performed with no teeth in her mouth. To me, her appearance went along well with her performance. Here are some of the funny things she would say………………
Moms Mabley: Let me tell you what happened to me in the good ole days. You couldn’t do nothing that you wanted to do. And you better not open your mouth. If you did, they would nock your brains out……………..If daddy said so, that was it. See, I wasn’t nothing’ but a child. Nothin’ but a child 14 going on 15 years old. And just as cute as I want to be. Hair hanging down my back. See, I’m half Indian, and the other half the beauty parlor takes care of that. And this ooooooooolllllllllllldddddddddd dead, puny, molded man. I mean an old man. Santa Clause look like his son. He was older than his mother………………My daddy liked him. I had to marry that old man. My daddy should have married him. He the one liked him.
Remembering The Sad News of Wrestler Chris Benoit
By Gail Nobles
It was June 25, 2007 when my father called me from his job around 7:54 pm. He asked me to record the wrestling for him. I really didn’t feel like it because I don’t watch it anymore. Wrestling is not as good as it was to me back in the days of “The American Dream Dusty Rhodes“. I was trying to find a full tape so that I could record the commercials. Just before the tape stopped rewinding, I saw a still picture of wrestler Chris Benoit. The show was in memory of him, and it was WWE that aired a three hour tribute to him.
When WWE first came on, I saw Vince McMahon in the ring holding a microphone, and there was no audience. He told the news on television that there were some dead bodies found. It was the wrestler Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy, and his son Daniel. I thought, “The show is no fake tonight.” This was very sad news to me, and I did not know the man and his family. Chris Benoit and his family were found dead in their home. Police are investigating. You can find out more at
Still in shock, I called my father to give him the sad news. He was very disappointed. I called my brother because he likes wrestling too. He thought it might be fake. I told him that I didn’t think that they would fake about a wrestler dying on television like that. I read the Google news to him on the internet, and we both knew then for sure that the wrestling was no show that time. It was and is still a very terrible tragedy.
It was June 25, 2007 when my father called me from his job around 7:54 pm. He asked me to record the wrestling for him. I really didn’t feel like it because I don’t watch it anymore. Wrestling is not as good as it was to me back in the days of “The American Dream Dusty Rhodes“. I was trying to find a full tape so that I could record the commercials. Just before the tape stopped rewinding, I saw a still picture of wrestler Chris Benoit. The show was in memory of him, and it was WWE that aired a three hour tribute to him.
When WWE first came on, I saw Vince McMahon in the ring holding a microphone, and there was no audience. He told the news on television that there were some dead bodies found. It was the wrestler Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy, and his son Daniel. I thought, “The show is no fake tonight.” This was very sad news to me, and I did not know the man and his family. Chris Benoit and his family were found dead in their home. Police are investigating. You can find out more at
Still in shock, I called my father to give him the sad news. He was very disappointed. I called my brother because he likes wrestling too. He thought it might be fake. I told him that I didn’t think that they would fake about a wrestler dying on television like that. I read the Google news to him on the internet, and we both knew then for sure that the wrestling was no show that time. It was and is still a very terrible tragedy. Internet Radio is a great quality Internet radio. There you can hear the best oldies. You can hear songs from the all hit 70’s by Earth Wind and Fire, Michael Jackson, Paul Simon, and more. You can hear the best of the 80’s, oldies, classical, country, and more. At the site, you will see a “listen now menu“, and you will see all of the channels. You will also see the recent play list history. is an excellent sounding Internet Radio.
American Gangster: A Sad Movie

The Movie
To me, not only was Frank Lucas an American gangster, but a mobster too. Why did they decide to make a movie about Frank Lucas? The movie has been bragged about by some. To me, it was not a good movie for the fact that it’s giving Frank Lucas more fame and publicity about the dirt he has done. The movie has planted a seed into my brain. A seed of questions. I have heard from another movie (black film) that the white man started the drugs. The way it looks to me, no race is innocent when it comes to drugs no matter who started it. All people doing crime need to clean up their lives.
Lucas Family
“American Gangster” is a sad movie to me. It was pitiful. Frank Lucas played by Denzel Washington had no heart. He sold drugs and a lot of people died because of his drug trade empire. I could not stand to watch the drug needles being injected into flesh on the screen.
Denzel acting made you see a good side of Lucas because of what he did for his family. You forget the terrible things he was doing in the drug business just for a few seconds. Frank Lucas (Denzel) bought Mama Lucas (Ruby Dee) a big nice home. Watching her be happy made you forget just a little bit. Then Frank Lucas just got worse and kept right on with the drug business. He turned around and got his brothers involved in his drug trade.
Things looked worse as the film rolled. Lucas shot a man in the head right down in the streets according to the movie. Lucas did not care, and he walked back into the restaurant from which he came as if nothing happened. There seemed to be no police around, but troubled seemed to be catching up with Lucas. It was a blessing that his wife did not get hurt, and he did not give his mother a heart attack. Frank Lucas was angry when somebody tried to kill his wife. He was bringing troubles and burdens on himself and his family.
It looked as if nobody could catch or touch Lucas for a long time in the movie. He was finally convicted of conspiracy and sentenced to 70 years. Thirty members of Frank’s family were convicted of drug trafficking and sent to prison. Frank’s mother moved back to NC, and Frank’s wife returned to Puerto Rico. Richie (Russell Crowe) who was a detective that caught Frank quit the prosecutor’s office to become a defense attorney. His first client was Frank. Frank’s prison sentence was reduced to fifteen years, and he was released in 1991.
Denzel Washington played a sad story, but he acted the part of Frank Lucas out very well.
The movie is based on a true story. Whether everything in the movie was really true, I don’t know, but the main idea of the story is sad to me.
Free Spell Checker For Outlook Express

Google Image
Article: By Gail Nobles
One day I noticed that my spell checker was missing in Outlook Express. I thought, “Oh, no! I can’t do without it! I have got to get it back!” In a hurry, I went searching online and could not find a thing. I kept searching and searching and finally a free spell checker was found. It was not just a spell checker, but a spell checker made for Outlook Express.
You can download a free program at
Pacer Art
See Julie Bell and Boris Vallejo's painting of the Pacers at

History of the Harlem Globetrotters

Google Image
Article by: Gail Nobles
When I first saw the Harlem Globetrotters on television, I was a little girl. I loved watching their fancy moves with the basketball and their tricks. Right now today, I wish that I could move like them. I am still fascinated about how they move and play.
Abe Saperstein was the man that started the team. He grew up watching black boys play basketball in the streets of Chicago. Abe started a professional black basketball team. Black guys were not allowed to play on white teams in those days. In 1927, Abe took the team out on the road. There is meaning behind the name “Harlem Globetrotters”. Harlem lets you know that the team is black and the name “Globetrotters” was to make you think that they had traveled all over the world. If I am not mistaken, at first, the Globetrotters had not traveled all over the world. Maybe, Abe believed that they would, and he gave them that awesome name. The Harlem Globetrotters were really not from Harlem. I think the first five came from Chicago. At first, they only had five players.
When the team traveled on the road, times were a bit tough. They did not have much money and they slept in the car. It was very cold. There was also some racial discrimination. But as time went on, things got better for the Globetrotters. They are still famous today and traveling around the world. I have not seen them play in person, but I sure would love to.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Superman and More Foes

By Gail Nobles
In movies, it seems as if Superman does not have very many exciting foes as a comic book character. It certainly would make the movies more exciting. All of the Superman movies beginning with Christopher Reeve seem to focus on Lex Luthor. He’s a mad man and one of the greatest scientists. Lex is Superman’s biggest foe. “Superman Returns” was a disappointment to some people. Well, I think that they did a good job getting a Christopher Reeve look-a-like. It made me feel like I was watching him again on the big movie screen. It made me feel like Christopher Reeve never left. I like that. The movie was not so bad. I just wish that they would have made a new bad guy for the movie.
Kryptonite Man would have been an interesting bad guy for Superman. You can find information on him at To tell you the truth, I don’t really know much about the foes of Superman in comic books. When I was growing up, all I knew was Lex Luthor. He was in all of the movies. I didn’t read many of Superman’s comic books.
I remember the “Adventures of Superman” starring George Reeves. It was the old black and white episodes that use to come on TV. They had a lot of ideas and episodes, but the bad guys were ordinary men. Well, each episode kept my attention and had me wondering what was going to happen next. Each episode was different and there was always a different bad guy and story. I love the old writers and film makers. I love their style. But film makers can do more now with computers today. If the old film makers had what film makers have today, the old films would have really been great. Will there be another new Superman movie? There should be another one. There is more in Superman’s life than Lex Luthor. I want to see new enemies and more exciting adventures. (Adventures of Superman) “Look up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Superman!”
The Wiz

By Gail Nobles
The Wiz was a 1975 hit Broadway musical show featuring African-American actors like singer Stephanie Mills as Dorothy and Mabel King as Evilene. The musical was based on The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. After The Wiz was a 1975 Broadway musical, it was made a 1978 motion picture by Motown Productions and Universal Pictures.
The actors were Diana Ross as Dorothy, Michael Jackson as the Scarecrow, Ted Ross as the Cowardly Lion, Nipsey Russell as the Tin Man, Lena Horne as Glinda the Good Witch, Richard Pryor as the Oz’s Great Wizard, Mabel King as Evilene, Thelma Carpenter as Miss One, and Theresa Merritt as Aunt Em. Some of the actors that played the Broadway musical did not play in the movie.
The Wiz was a lot different than The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Dorothy is a Manhattan kindergarten teacher who is brought by a snowstorm to a mysterious land of Oz. The scenery looked like New York City.
In the Wiz, you get a chance to see crows dancing and singing around the scarecrow and making fun of him. The scarecrow sings a song “You Can’t Win” which was the crow anthem sung by Michael Jackson. The scarecrow read a lot and was very intelligent, but he thought he had no brain and the crows fed him negative thoughts. He believed their negative thoughts and remained hanging up on a pole. Then Dorothy scared the crows away and helped the scarecrow down.
Instead of singing “Follow the Yellow Brick Road” in the Wizard of Oz, “Ease On Down the Road“, was sung in the Wiz by Michael Jackson (scarecrow) and Diana Ross (Dorothy). The Lion sung, “I’m a Mean Ole Lion” and was a coward. The Tin Man sung “What Would I Do If I Could Feel” because he could not feel. Just like in L. Frank Baum’s version, Dorothy was trying to get home, the Scarecrow wanted a brain, the Tin Man wanted a heart, and the Lion wanted courage.
The bad witch in The Wiz did not have a pointed black hat like a regular witch with a long nose. The witch in the Wiz was a fat and ugly witch, and she was really mean. Her part took place in a place that looked like a sewing factory. She made her workers work. As the witch would walk down the aisle or walk way, she would sing “Don’t Nobody Bring Me No Bad News”. She was destroyed by water as rain came down on her. Dorothy and her friends were free.
When the Lion, Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Dorothy found out that the Wiz (Richard Pryor) was a phony, they were very disappointed. They met, Glinda, The Good Witch (Lena Horne). She told Dorothy how to get home. The movie ended with Dorothy singing “Believe In Yourself” to her friends. It was also sung by the good witch to Dorothy. Then Dorothy sung “Home” and clicked her heels three times. Then she was home again.
I really liked The Wiz Movie because I could relate to it. But, I still love The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
Spider-Man 4 (Lizard Rumor)

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Spider-Man 1, 2, and 3 were great hit movies on the big movie screen in theaters. I will be looking forward to seeing Spider-Man 4. I heard a rumor that Lizard will be the next villain. Who is Lizard? Lizard is a man name Dr. Curt Conners. He lost his arm during a war. He became obsessed with regaining his lost arm. Conners created a serum from reptilian DNA. He wanted to have reptile-like regeneration abilities. Conners regained his arm but something else terrible happened. He became a humanoid Lizard. Spider-Man managed to cure him of his condition every time. Spider-Man seemed like a friend trying to help, but the Lizard fought Spider-Man.
I think that the Lizard would make another great Spider-Man movie. The Lizard is a very interesting character. I would like to see him on the movie screen with a pair of 3d glasses. That would probably be scary. I really don’t know for sure what Spider-Man 4 is going to be about. I have heard only rumors. But if the Lizard is going to be in it, I’m sure it will be a great movie, and I can’t wait to see it.
Will Smith (I Am Legend)
Article By: Gail Nobles
Robert Neville (Will Smith) is all alone with his dog in a wild life city of deer roaming the streets. The cars look abandoned, and grass and weeds have grown through the paved streets of Manhattan. A virus has killed everyone, and Robert is the only survivor and his dog. He lives barricaded inside of his home. Robert’s doors and windows are sealed up tightly by steel shutters. During the day, he and his dog are free to go outside, but at night, there are monstrous, pale, and angry zombies that come out. They can’t stand the sunlight. The zombies are killers with sharp teeth. Robert has a basement which looks like a laboratory where he is trying to find a cure for the virus.
Watching the movie, you can get lost in how dog is man’s best friend. Robert spends a lot of time with his dog, and tries to make him eat his vegetables. He gives the dog a bath and makes him exercise. Everywhere Neville went, the dog was sure to go. But in the end, his dog got in a fight with some other monstrous dogs of the zombies along with his master. The dog was hurt badly from poisonous bites. Robert tried to save the dog holding him like a baby. It is sad to say that he lost his best friend.
One night, Robert gets attacked by the angry zombies again in his vehicle. This time he is attacked alone without his dog. Just as one zombie was about to get the best of him, some light appeared, and he was saved by another survivor named Anna. Anna was like an angel who had a little boy. Robert made friends with them.
In the end, the zombies attacked Robert’s home again. Anna and her son were with him. To get rid of some of them, Robert turned some bright lights on which they could not stand. He blew some of them up, but they just kept on coming. Robert, Anna, and the boy went down into the basement where Robert had just found a cure. The zombies found him, and he quickly closed the lab glass door to shut them out so that they could not reach them. Robert tried to talk to the zombies and tell them that he could cure them. He tried to show them the young girl that was a zombie tied down on his laboratory bed being cured. They would not listen to Robert. They kept on trying to bust into the glass door slowly breaking it. Anna and her son got away, while Robert chose to stay in the lab and risk his life. Did Robert Die? Go see the movie. I think it is an excellent movie that deserves ten stars.
1997 Geo Prizm

By Gail Nobles
In the year of 1999, my mother and I paid for a used 1997 Geo Prizm (Chevrolet Prizm after 1997). The Geo Prizm is part of a Toyota Corolla. Today in the year of 2007, I am still driving that wonderful car. It is just right for me. I am a small person, and it is a small car. Squeezing into parking spaces is a whole lot easier than trying to park with a big car. Driving that Geo Prizm feels so smooth. The car doesn’t drink a lot of gas. You can ride a long distance away on a trip before you get low on gas.
The one thing that I worry most about is it has a timing belt instead of a timing chain. A timing chain will last longer. At every 60,000 miles, I have to get a timing belt replacement according to the car manual. So far the car has never let me down. I think the Geo Prizm will last me some more years keeping the oil changed and just taking good care of it. The Geo Prizm is a great car to buy.
DC Comics Sued Fawcett Comics in 1941

Do you remember the Superhero comic "Shazam"? He is also known as Captain Marvel by Fawcett Comics. Detective Comics (DC) sued Fawcett comics for copyright infringement in 1941. They claimed that Captain Marvel was based on their character "Superman". Captain Marvel was ended in 1953. Fawcett liscened their characters to DC in 1972. You may find some old Captian Marvel comics published by DC today. The newest comic that I found today is "Shazam Power of Hope" by Alex Ross. The art and story is beautiful.
McDonald's Commercial Cha Cha Slide

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See the new McDonald's Commercial with the "Cha Cha Slide" song by DJ Casper. The little boy with the boom box gets down eating a meal at the dinner table.
The GE Frontload Washer

By Gail Nobles
A washing machine with an agitator can last a long time if it is a good one. Washing machines are not made as good as they use to be made. The knobs are plastic and can wear out so quickly. You can not put as many clothes in a washing machine as you wish without clothes wrapping around the agitator. When the timer wears out, the timer will not click and go to the next step. Your machine will not drain or spin. You will have to pay someone to fix the washing machine and replace the parts. It might cost you a lot of money. So you might as well buy a whole new washing machine.
My washing machine was a Whirlpool with an agitator. It lasted me up to seven years. But my next new washing machine is a heavy duty GE frontload washer.
Washer Features
GE is a great brand name that has been around for years. I trust GE. The cycle knob is very light weight and it lights up when you turn on the machine. You will see your wash cycles. The wash cycles are for specific types of wash loads. You have whites, colors/normal, stain wash, easy care, active wear, delicates, handwash, speed wash, drain and spin, and rinse and spin.
On the washer, there is a soil level which increases or decreases the wash time to remove different amounts of soil. You can choose between extra light, light, normal or heavy soil.
The 3rd feature the washer has is spin speed. The machine has a high speed, medium speed, low speed, and no spin. Higher spin speeds remove more water from clothes and will help reduce dry time.
Nu-Wave Oven

By: Gail Nobles
For many days, when my mother was alive, I would watch her cook. She was a great cook. It seemed no one could beat her cooking. It was her hobby, and she loved cooking. Well, it wasn’t mine, and my mother made cooking look so hard. She cooked everything from scratch. I only wanted to learn because I knew that some day I would be on my own. Sometimes my mother would say, “Gail, I don’t have time to teach you this today. I am ready to cook it and get it out of the way. But you can watch and learn. There is nothing to cooking. You just read the recipe and put what you want. You just throw it together.” My mother made it sound so easy.
When she was teaching me how to cook, I dreaded waiting for the chicken to unthaw. I dreaded cleaning the chicken. My mother taught me how to split the chicken down the middle and she taught me to use paprika, salt, and pepper. I would put the unions and carrots in the roaster pan along with the chicken into the oven. It smelled so good. We cooked on a gas stove, and the heat was so hot when it was time to open the oven. Those were my days of cooking in the 90’s watching and learning from my mother.
Now, cooking is made to be a lot easier. In the year of 2007, I found out about a Nu-Wave Oven. It is a counter top oven that reminds me of a microwave oven and a grill all in one. So with the Nu-Wav oven, you don’t need to turn on the gas or electric stove, you don’t need to go outside to grill, and you don’t have to use the microwave to cook. You can cook your food frozen without defrosting with the Nu-Wav. It leaves your food moist, juicy, and tender. You can just place your food into the oven and push buttons on the top and go. You can set it to the desired time on how long you want something to cook. The oven can help you to lower fat intake to eat healthier. You can bake, broil, roast, grill, barbeque, steam, dehydrate, and fry right on your counter top.
I only have one thing to say. Nu-Wave! Where were you in the 90’s! What took you so long! Glad you are here!
If you would like to learn more about the Nu-Wave Oven, you can visit
SimpleTech External Harddrive

By Gail Nobles
Do you have loads of videos, pictures, and games on your hard drive? Are you running out of room on your computer. Videos, pictures, and games can really take up a lot of space. Creating pictures that are 500 x 600 can help you use up your space. It’s important to pay attention to the size of files and programs in your control panel. You might keep looking at your computer screen thinking that you’ll clean up one day. Maybe you need to do a lot of naming folders and organizing. You might be too busy creating to take time out to do it, and you might be too lazy to download and burn a copy of your files to a CD.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, you can have easy backup data from your PC or Mac to a SimpleTech External Hard Drive. This is an external hard drive for storing and backing up your music, video, photos, and more. Installing is easy. All that you have to do is plug up the AC adapter and USB 2.0 cable to the drive and connect to your computer. You will have a one click back up. Just simply press the back portion inside the inner ring to backup your data. The built-in capacity meter allows you to view the disk space. The Simple drive’s blue light ring will show you how much disk space is used.
Now when you want to get more free space on your C drive, you can drag and drop to your external drive which would be your F drive. You can view the files and folders. You can get a capacity up to 750GB with an external drive. Between 500GB and 750GB is plenty of space. With 500GB you can get 542 Hrs of video, 366,000 photos, and 127,000 songs. You can also download and save software or freeware to your external which might leave a shortcut icon to your computer. You can disconnect the SimpleTech hard drive and carry it around. Your files would be safe on that drive. Just visit to learn more.
Better Anti Software Removal Tools
By Gail Nobles
Do you need better anti-virus software? Many people complain that the Norton AntiVirus doesn’t work. It never worked for me either. People that fix computers and sell them are starting to talk about Norton. They recommend better anti-virus software. Norton seems to scan and scan and there is no virus detected. When it finds threats, it leaves them there. I just bought a brand new computer, and I uninstalled Norton from my control panel right away. If it don’t help you, it only takes up space on your computer. Make room for something else.
There are a lot of virus, spyware, and malware freeware. They seem to find a hundred infected files when you download them at first. Then, they seem to find less and less and my computer starts acting strange. That tells me I need better virus software. If you have this problem with your virus software along with spyware, ad-aware, and malware, you need a new version of that software or a totally different software all together.
I would recommend AVG for viruses. It is free and it automatically updates itself. It will scan your computer for viruses at certain times. I also recommend Spyware Terminator. It is a spyware, maleware, and virus scan all in one. It will make sure that you don’t go to bad websites that could be dangerous for your computer. It is really cool. Get the best anti
software removal tools.
Do you need better anti-virus software? Many people complain that the Norton AntiVirus doesn’t work. It never worked for me either. People that fix computers and sell them are starting to talk about Norton. They recommend better anti-virus software. Norton seems to scan and scan and there is no virus detected. When it finds threats, it leaves them there. I just bought a brand new computer, and I uninstalled Norton from my control panel right away. If it don’t help you, it only takes up space on your computer. Make room for something else.
There are a lot of virus, spyware, and malware freeware. They seem to find a hundred infected files when you download them at first. Then, they seem to find less and less and my computer starts acting strange. That tells me I need better virus software. If you have this problem with your virus software along with spyware, ad-aware, and malware, you need a new version of that software or a totally different software all together.
I would recommend AVG for viruses. It is free and it automatically updates itself. It will scan your computer for viruses at certain times. I also recommend Spyware Terminator. It is a spyware, maleware, and virus scan all in one. It will make sure that you don’t go to bad websites that could be dangerous for your computer. It is really cool. Get the best anti
software removal tools.
Compaq Computer Recovery
By Gail Nobles
My computer has been down for a while. I tried to upgrade the Internet Explorer, but my computer would not upgrade to it. I had to download Windows Service Pack 2. I thought Windows Service Pack 1 was enough. For a long time, I would not update it because my computer kept saying access denied when I tried it. When I tried to download Service Pack 2 one more time, some of it downloaded and some of it did not. So, Service Pack 2 did not work correctly, and my computer kept cutting off and restarting. I could not get to my desktop. I thought I was in big trouble.
Some very nice guys named Marty and Jeff was kind enough to help me at work. They showed me the Ultimate Boot CD for Windows. I tried the CD and it made it possible for me to get to a desktop screen that did not look like my original screen. I was able to click on My Computer and save my files. I could also burn my files to a CD writer with it, and I could go online.
The 2nd thing that I did was I restarted my computer and took my brother‘s advice. I hit the F10 key on my keyboard to go into the Compaq System Recovery, which was on my mind to do but was afraid to try. I selected the recovery option and clicked on next. It made a hard disk preparation, it copied my files, and it finalized the recovery. I had to restart my computer. When I was finished going through all of the steps, a thank you screen was there. The computer would not let me leave that screen when the set up was done. My computer sounded as if it was downloading and busy. My brother gave me some advice over the phone to leave the computer plugged up overnight and leaving it on without shutting it down. In the morning, my desktop was full of icons! I was happy to see it!
Then I had another problem. My drive C disk looked kind of full. It looked incorrect. So, I found a wonderful freeware program called HDCleaner. I was able to see files and folders that was taking up a lot of space on my drive. When I deleted them, I gained a lot of free space. I found out that if you import a lot of videos to a DVD burning program, it will make another copy of the videos in another folder. Videos, pictures, music, and pages from the internet can really add up. I am happy that my computer is back. Compaq is a great computer!
My computer has been down for a while. I tried to upgrade the Internet Explorer, but my computer would not upgrade to it. I had to download Windows Service Pack 2. I thought Windows Service Pack 1 was enough. For a long time, I would not update it because my computer kept saying access denied when I tried it. When I tried to download Service Pack 2 one more time, some of it downloaded and some of it did not. So, Service Pack 2 did not work correctly, and my computer kept cutting off and restarting. I could not get to my desktop. I thought I was in big trouble.
Some very nice guys named Marty and Jeff was kind enough to help me at work. They showed me the Ultimate Boot CD for Windows. I tried the CD and it made it possible for me to get to a desktop screen that did not look like my original screen. I was able to click on My Computer and save my files. I could also burn my files to a CD writer with it, and I could go online.
The 2nd thing that I did was I restarted my computer and took my brother‘s advice. I hit the F10 key on my keyboard to go into the Compaq System Recovery, which was on my mind to do but was afraid to try. I selected the recovery option and clicked on next. It made a hard disk preparation, it copied my files, and it finalized the recovery. I had to restart my computer. When I was finished going through all of the steps, a thank you screen was there. The computer would not let me leave that screen when the set up was done. My computer sounded as if it was downloading and busy. My brother gave me some advice over the phone to leave the computer plugged up overnight and leaving it on without shutting it down. In the morning, my desktop was full of icons! I was happy to see it!
Then I had another problem. My drive C disk looked kind of full. It looked incorrect. So, I found a wonderful freeware program called HDCleaner. I was able to see files and folders that was taking up a lot of space on my drive. When I deleted them, I gained a lot of free space. I found out that if you import a lot of videos to a DVD burning program, it will make another copy of the videos in another folder. Videos, pictures, music, and pages from the internet can really add up. I am happy that my computer is back. Compaq is a great computer!
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