Do you ever think about investing in something? How much do you use the internet? Do you like to blog? Have you ever thought about podcasting from your blogs? I believe that you can gain an audience in audio just like you can when you blog. There is also money in podcasting. Why not invest in podcasting? |
According to Adweek, there are 67 million monthly podcast listeners today and $243 million is spent on podcast advertising which is expected to double by 2020. Podcasting may be young, but it seems to have grown so much.
When I first started podcasting, there was no offer to make cash. Now you can make money podcasting. They allow you to monetize your podcast. The more you do it, the more you will see results of an audience. You will also see cash grow. Things may look slow at first, but after a while, you will start seeing cents and dollars. You will start seeing more plays and downloads.
If you are looking for something to invest in, if you love to share information, give podcasting a try today.
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